       Seven Tears Into the Sea
       Phantom Stallion Series

Terri Talks

Terri Farley
Wabi Sabi

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Check WHAT out?

Dear Readers,
I hope you're all safe.
I'm doing what I can to donate books to shelters such as the Astrodome in Houston for refugees from the damage triggered by Hurrican Katrina. It's only a tiny thing, but wouldn't it be great if some horse-lovers had a few minutes of escape from the horror all around?
Please look for things you can do to help. Why? Why NOT?
What goes around, comes around. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Kharma. It's no accident that most cultures have sayings about helping others. Think about it.
And, if you want something wild to think (or write!) about, consider this:
In Malmö, Sweden, you can go to the library this weekend and check out a PERSON.
For forty-five minutes, you get to talk about the lives and ideas of: a journalist, a gypsy, a blind man, an animal rights activist, a Muslim, a Dane and others.
I think this is so cool. Most of us see the same people -- many of 'em just like us -- week after month after year. It's hard to appreciate other people's religions, ideas and cultures when we know NOTHING about them.
The project is called Living Library and it has fought prejudice in other countries with great success. I wish it would come to a library near me!
Not only is it free, the Swedish library will give the "living books" and "borrowers" free warm drinks from their cafe!
Love it. Love it. Love it.

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Posted by Terri Farley @ 9:09 PM

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